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Essays by Frederic Lowen

This section features essays and presentations by Frederic Lowen, many of which accompany the presentations he delivers worldwide. We invite you to explore these essays and join the discussion! 








  • Independence Day? - In this essay, Fred challenges the status quo and asserts that "it is both an opportunity and a responsibility to speak up, in private and in public. To explain that it is each and every one of us that carries fears, insecurities, rage, hurt and sadness that perpetuates the mind-body split in society, through how we treat our children, family, and others." 



  • Reflecting back, Looking forward - Fred's address to the IIBA's 24th Conference in Toronto, Canada in May 2017. Marking 60 years since Alexander Lowen, M.D. founded the Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, Fred spoke of the the importance and relevance Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen's ideas and books have today and for future generations.



  • The Bio-Energetics of a Healthy Society - Examines the the mind-body split in individuals and their parallels in society, and discusses ways towards healing the dysfunctions of the world. This essay originally appeared in the European Association for Body Psychotherapy's Congress book "The Body in Relationship / Body-Other-Self".


  • The Foundations of a Science of Subjectivity - This essay shows that subjective experience is valuable in guiding objective exploration and argues that the Bioenergetic work of Alexander Lowen, M.D. provides a solid foundation for a Science of Subjective Experience.


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