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"Early Coping Strategies: Another Kind of Addiction"

A Special event with Alice Kahn Ladas, EdD.
This event took place on 9.28.2022

A recording of the event is available

on our YouTube Channel 

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The Alexander Lowen Foundation is proud to host a rare, special live event with Alice Kahn Ladas, EdD., a pioneer of body-psychotherapy, breastfeeding, and sexuality education. 


Follow this link on Wednesday, September 28th at 11am EST and join us on Zoom as Dr. Ladas will discuss her approach of "Early Coping Strategies: Another Kind of Addiction", which she believes has helped her work as a Somatic Psychologist to be more clearly focused and effective in less time. The event will include a presentation and a Q&A with Dr. Ladas. 

Alice Kahn Ladas EdD, is a licensed Psychologist in New Mexico, a Certified Bioenergetic Analyst, a Humanist Celebrant, and mother and grandmother. She was also a happy tennis player, bike rider, snorkler, and scuba diver. She is first author of the NY Times bestseller ‘The G Spot and Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality' (1982). Although Whipple and Perry’s research on the G Spot and female ejaculation were focused on by the public, the G Spot book was also a much needed synthesis of the work of the Freudians and the sex researchers who, at the time, disagreed strongly on the subject of women's sexual response.


With her husband Harold, she conducted the study Women and Bioenergetic Analysis, published by the Connecticut Society for Bioenergetic Analysis in 1981. Her doctoral dissertation, done with the help of 1100 members of the newly formed La Leche League, was about How to Help Mothers Breastfeed (1970). Articles, based on the findings, were published in three peer-reviewed medical journals and one peer reviewed sociology journal. These helped to restore breastfeeding as a healthier option in the United States. She taught sex education at the YWCA and was the first psychologist for the public schools of Caldwell, NJ. She also ran a tiny Abortion Clinic in NYC when it was not yet legal.


In 1956, she helped Alexander Lowen found the IBA (later IIBA). She hired the lawyer, introduced Al to the publisher of his first book, and served on the first Board, and for many years thereafter. In order to further research, she joined the Board of USABP in 2001. They established the first awards for research in Body Psychotherapy and named them after her.


In 1990, she added one item to her Somatic Psychology work, Early Coping Strategies: Another Kind of Addiction. She believes it has helped her work as a Somatic Psychologist to be more clearly focused and effective in less time. That belief has not yet been supported by relevant research. She is searching for someone who needs a thesis topic to accomplish that.

There are no books that deal directly with the topic, but there are many that refer tangentially to it. Several led Dr. Ladas indirectly to the concept of this seminar.


1. Cozalino, Louis, The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy

2. Eisler, Raine, The Power of Partnership, p.xix

3. Ladas, Alice Kahn :Early Coping Strategies: Addictive Behaviors That May Sabotage Connection - International Body Psychotherapy JVol. 18,No.2 - Fall/Winter 2019/20

4. Lowen, Alexander, Fear of Life

5. Pert, Candice, Molecules of Emotion

6. Porges, Stephen, Safe and Sound

7. Porges, SW, (2001) The Polyvagal Theory, International Journal of Psychophysiology, A2.123-146

8. Rogers, Carl, On Becoming a Person

9. Scaer, Robert, The Body Bears the Burden

10. Seligman, Martin, What You Can Change and… What You Can't

11. Siegel, Daniel, Mindsight

12. Stough, Carl, Dr. Breath, The Stough Institute (1981)

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