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Introducing 'Pleasure: A Creative Approach to Life,' an e-book by renowned psychotherapist Alexander Lowen, M.D. This groundbreaking work explores the psychology and biology of pleasure, offering insights into how to live a more vibrant, fulfilling life. Discover the secrets to unlocking your full potential through the power of pleasure and creativity.


In this e-book, you'll learn about the importance of pleasure in our lives, the connection between pleasure and creativity, and how to overcome the barriers that prevent us from experiencing true happiness. Lowen's extensive knowledge and experience in the field of bioenergetics provide a unique perspective on the role of the body in healing the mind and achieving personal growth.


Some of the key topics covered in this e-book include:

  • The psychology of pleasure and the creative process
  • The pleasure of being fully alive, including breathing, movement, and feeling
  • The biology of pleasure and the fear of pleasure
  • The relationship between power and pleasure
  • The role of the ego in self-expression and egotism
  • The importance of self-awareness and self-assertion
  • The emotional responses of love, affection, anger, and fear
  • The roots of pleasure in spontaneous rhythms and natural functions


Alexander Lowen shows how the experience of pleasure or pain determines our emotions, thinking, and behavior. Examining the psychology and the biology of pleasure, he explores its roots in the nature of the body and shows that emotional health means that we are in a state of pleasure – that is, we feel good in our bodies.

Through case studies illustrating the use of Bioenergetic Analysis, Lowen shows how people can reconnect to their bodies and restore a mind-body balance, let go of the need to control and regain natural spontaneity and the capacity for pleasure and creativity.


Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life and embrace the power of pleasure. Get your copy of 'Pleasure: A Creative Approach to Life' today and start your journey towards a more joyful, harmonious, and fulfilling existence.

Pleasure - eBook

  • Pleasure.epub

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    • Download the .epub file on an iPhone, iPad, or Android device.
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    • Find the Kindle's email address on, and authorize the sender's email address.
    • Send the .epub file as an email attachment to the Kindle's email address. The subject should be left blank, and there should be nothing in the body of the email.


    Use the Send to Kindle Desktop Tool:

    • Install the "Send to Kindle" desktop application and link it with the Amazon account.
    • Drag and drop the .epub file to the Send to Kindle app.


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